May 2017

If there was ever an event, occasion, or holiday that snuck up on you at the last minute, leaving you without an appropriate gift or card, there was an excellent chance Mom would have you covered. I can’t tell you how many times I procrastinated buying something for someone and she’d...

  • May 31, 2017
  • 8

Evi: “Can you get the blah blah blah with the blah blah?” Server: “No, it only comes as blah blah blah.” Evi: “Can you exchange blah for yada yada yada?” Server: “Yes, but it’ll be additional charge.” Evi: “Does yada yada yada come with fresh salad?” Server: “No, but you...

  • May 28, 2017

This is more or less a test post, so it’s probably going to get deleted, but the title is no joke. I’m never doing this shit again. If you have no idea who I am, well, you should know this isn’t my first blogging rodeo. It’s ain’t my second, third,...

  • May 28, 2017