August 2018

This is bullshit. Baby Sasha will not allow me to put her down or she’ll burst out in tears, yet it’s her before-bed feeding time and I can’t find her Goddamn bottle anywhere. So I’m carrying her in one arm while looking over here, over there, under this and over that...

  • August 22, 2018
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Ever notice when a consumable item changes its packaging, there’s always some text on it that says something along the lines of, “Brand New Look! Same Great Taste!”? They’re blatantly telling you that they haven’t done shit with the actual product; they just changed the wrapper. Stupid, right? Except it...

  • August 21, 2018

For whatever reason, there’s some kind of stigma about stating you’re “part Cherokee”. I have no idea why; there are so many other Native American tribes out there. All I know is that if you say you’re part Sioux, Seminole, or Chickasaw, nobody rolls their eyes at you.  I mention this,...

  • August 4, 2018