Brand New Look! Same Old Crap!

Ever notice when a consumable item changes its packaging, there’s always some text on it that says something along the lines of, “Brand New Look! Same Great Taste!”? They’re blatantly telling you that they haven’t done shit with the actual product; they just changed the wrapper. Stupid, right?

Except it isn’t. Veteran marketers know that whenever they need a jolt in sales, a surefire solution is to simply change the look of the packaging. You suckers fall for it every time.

Well, I figure, if it’s good enough to work for sleazy marketers, I don’t know why it can’t work for a sleazy blogger writer such as myself. So welcome to the newest version of this blog. Brand New Look! Same Old Shit!

There’s a reason for this, of course. I’ve said from the beginning that I didn’t know how this blog would evolve; I just wanted it to be fun. When I started it, my initial thought was for it to be more like a journal. I could write quick blurbs here a few times a week, and whenever I’m motivated, write a full essay.

Well, just like what happened in every other blog I’ve ever tried, this one became unfun. I’m pretty sure it’s because the old format–and most modern blogs–requires a “featured image” and a standalone page for the actual content. To me, that meant that every single thing I posted had to be worth finding the appropriate preview picture and filling out an entire blog post.

This meant writing out a full essay with every post. And sometimes, Goddammit, I’m not in the mood. But I do want to post a blurb. A journal entry. You know, just whatever happened to me that day.

So I’m hoping this new format will help me with that. I like the look. It’s cleaner. It allows me to simply compose and post text. As of this writing, it still requires an extra click to get to a standalone page for content, but I think that will change once I go in and clean out a few of the blog entries that are too clunky and cluttered. I’m hoping eventually you’ll be able to read one blog post after another without clicking anything; it’ll all be on the front page. Just like blogs from ten years ago! Yay! Back to the past! Where’s my MySpace login?

If you’re curious if this is going to adversely affect my advertising revenue, well, 1) Awww…thank you for thinking of me, and 2) It sure the shit will, because less clicks means less ad images. Plus the front page has zero ads. But I’ve decided I really don’t care. If I’m ever going to make money from writing, it won’t be from ads. It’ll be from my book.

Oh, yeah. I forgot to mention that.

The real reason I haven’t been blogging as much.

Stay tuned.


  • August 21, 2018