Evgeniya Does Stuff

Wednesday night, my wife Evi and I attended our first-ever childbirthing class. I wasn’t exactly excited. Two hours of listening to someone talk about how a woman somehow shoves what looks like a nine-pound ham out of her vagina isn’t my idea of scintillating entertainment. Not to mention, a week...

  • July 23, 2017
  • 1

(My wife Evgeniya is standing at the doorway of our room, contemplating the arrangement of our furniture. I’m on my phone playing Clash of Clans.) Evi: “Joe, we need to rearrange the furniture.” Me: “NO we don’t! WeĀ just rearranged the furniture three weeks ago! Evi: “It doesn’t feel right. It...

  • July 16, 2017

An old high school friend texted me yesterday asking me if my wife Evi and I wanted a beautiful, like-new baby crib, absolutely free. Hey, sounds like a great deal! I should just go ahead and accept the offer, right? No offense, but if you’re a married manĀ and answered “yes”,...

  • June 25, 2017

Evgeniya has been playing classical music (the orchestral kind, not Lynyrd Skynyrd) for our unborn daughter every night for a couple of weeks. It’s supposed to help with her brain development. She’s simply finding it on YouTube and playing it through her noise canceling headphones, which she spreads over her...

  • June 4, 2017
  • 15

Evi: “Can you get the blah blah blah with the blah blah?” Server: “No, it only comes as blah blah blah.” Evi: “Can you exchange blah for yada yada yada?” Server: “Yes, but it’ll be additional charge.” Evi: “Does yada yada yada come with fresh salad?” Server: “No, but you...

  • May 28, 2017