6/2/22 Journal: Evi’s Thing

I’m sick of writing about how my family is sick. I’m sure you’re sick of reading about it. But since I post daily, and this blog is a diary, and a diary tells what I did that day, and what I did was absolutely nothing because everyone is coughing up phlegm, what the hell else am I supposed to write about?

So yeah, Simmons Family update: we did jack shit because we’re all still sick.

Okay, that’s not entirely true. The other day, Evi landed her first-ever paid job building a virtual environment. It was a small job for not a whole hell of a lot of money, but she was paid for programming. That’s amazing to me, because she taught herself everything. She just viewed thousands of hours of YouTubes and Lynda.com classes, kept practicing and creating, and next thing you know, well, someone told her, “I’ll pay you to create a movie theater for me”.

I cannot tell you how excited that made Evi. She was literally jumping up and down in celebration. Literally. I went in for the celebration hug, and (recall she’s taller than me) her shoulder slammed up into my jaw.

The due date of the project is something like June 19th, and she’s pretty much 90% finished. I already told her that for Father’s Day I want this. She rolled her eyes, but I think I’m getting it.

Hey, I need to be safe from law enforcement when I drive the Porsche 911 she’ll eventually buy me, right?

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  • June 2, 2022