6/1/22 Journal: Sasha’s Bored

About 3:08 PM today, Sasha opened the door to my home office and walked in. This is usually where I say something like, “Not right now, Sasha. Daddy’s working.” But, I don’t know, she looked different. Kind of sad. I gestured at her to climb up into my arms and hugged her for a second.

I looked back at my computer screen. Wasn’t much to look at. My pipeline is small, and my assistant is working in one of my files. I suppose I should be making phone calls, but I and the entire family woke up with sore throats and a cough, so screw that. That doesn’t leave a whole heck of a lot to do. I picked my daughter up–no small task, she’s huge for 4-years-old–and headed out for the living room. I sat on the couch and cuddled with her. She played with my goatee.

“I think I watched too much cartoons, Daddy.”

“Why do you think that?”

“My eyes hurt and my head is wobbly.”

“Your head is wobbly because you’re sick,” I said. “But I told you about watching too much TV. You need to go play or read or whatever. Go live real experiences instead of watching other people.”

“But I’m sick. And bored.”

“I know, baby.” I didn’t know what else to say. Norah usually doesn’t nap anymore, but she was today, I assume because she’s also sick. So Sasha had no one to play with, couldn’t watch cartoons, and Mommy and Daddy were both working.

So, I stroked her hair while cuddling with her for a while.

I lost track of the time.

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  • June 1, 2022